The Watershed Journal
Literary Group

Welcome to The Watershed Journal Literary Group, an autonomous, grassroots, charitable nonprofit serving storytellers in our portion of the PA Wilds.

We believe in the power of storytelling, in both visual and written forms, as a way to transcend our perceived differences and inspire one another. We also believe in the transcendent influence of the natural world, ubiquitous in our region of the state. Dive in and find out how you can get connected and enjoy the diverse content our submitters and volunteers have created.

Discover our events, publishing, bookstore and literary arts center and join us!

Sponsorships & Grants

Jefferson County Hotel Tax Committee

202 Library Sponsorships providing quarterly magazines to local libraries thanks to

Greg Clary & Cass Neely (Clarion County), the Brookville Fireman’s Club (Jefferson County) and HW Books (DuBois Library)


Tuesday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Wednesday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Thursday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Saturday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Sunday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Located at 269 Main Street

We have 20+ genres of used books and the largest collection of local authorship in the western PA Wilds.

Our store and literary center also includes a children’s area, a quiet reading room, and meeting space with public computers. We hope that you will take advantage of our writing resources in the near future!

Latest from the Blog

  • Adventures in Copywriting
    by Kelly Ryan Harriger  There’s a popular belief among writers that if you want to write well, write every day. After working over fifteen years as an advertising and marketing copywriter, I’d amend that to say: If you want to write well, write every day, and then let an editor or creative director rip it to shreds… Read more: Adventures in Copywriting
    WRITE SHORT by Kelly Ryan Harriger The importance of brevity and conciseness in writing for publication. Few issues are more vital to having your work published than presenting editors with clean, concise and to-the-point writing. As any editor will tell you, almost any piece of work can be made better by getting to the point… Read more: WRITE SHORT
  • Contemporary Literature Book Club
    Announcing Startup of the 21st Century Literary Fiction Book Club Are you interested in engaging with other readers/thinkers in studies of contemporary literatureand the inspiring power of storytelling? In the new year we plan to have a book club toexchange our ideas and appreciation of literary fiction from the last two decades. About every month… Read more: Contemporary Literature Book Club


Donate to The Watershed Journal Literary Group

a charitable nonprofit organization serving the literary community in our region and beyond