Book in Progress #11: Marketing

Joe Taylor You think you know what you know, until you find out you don’t. I learned some lessons selling my first book, “I’m Just Lucky To Own My Own…

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Book in Progress #10: Reaching Out

Joe Taylor Results have exceeded my expectations. I should feel grateful. Instead, I feel thankful. Of the 78 copies of “I’m Just Lucky To Own My Own Car” that I’ve…

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Preparing for a Literary Agent – Book in Progress, Part 5

My first couple of days of submitting to agents were exhausting and extremely frustrating. I would identify a target agent then send her (90% are women) whatever she requested. About a quarter of them came back immediately as undeliverable. Thinking, I guess, that “this agent was my only hope” I’d keep trying to find a better email address or resending it. Finally, I realized she may be out of business or posted a bad address and moved on.

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Enacting the Edits: Book in Progress, Part 4

Surgeons have often been accused of being emotionally removed from the patient they're operating on, removing 'this' and 'rewiring' that. I could relate to that as I performed literary 'surgery'…

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