Story by Peggy Zortman

Chase here – Former Shelter Dog

Mister, Missus and me were watching something called a dog show on TV. There were a lot of good-looking dogs. They were combed and brushed until the coats of the shorthaired dogs gleamed and the longhaired dogs looked like they were wearing silken robes.

Each trotted around a ring beside his or her Mister or Missus as a large audience applauded every circuit. Each dog seemed to be special. 

The winner was gorgeous! But it got me to thinking…What am I?

I don’t look like any of those dogs. If I understood correctly they have seven groups – hound, toy, sporting, non-sporting, herding, working and terrier. I’m none of those. What am I?

I decided to ask Mister.

“Well, Chase,” he said, “Let’s see if we can figure this out.”

“All those dogs had legs didn’t they?”


“And each one had ears, right?”


“How about eyes, nose and mouth?” Mister asked.

“Yes, they all had those things but on some dogs I couldn’t see them.”

“What else did they have?” Mister asked.

“Someone to lead them – and their own leash,” I chimed in. “And treats. They all got treats for doing what they were supposed to do,” I declared.

“Okay, Chase, lets put this all together and compare to what you have?”

“I’m ready, Mister” I could hardly wait to see what I really was.

Mister continued, “You have ears that hear what I cannot, you have a nose that can smell a cookie a mile away. Your eyes see when I can’t and your mouth barks alarms that keep me safe. You have your own leash and you have Missus or me to lead you.”

“Your legs are short but they’re good legs. They let you run when you want to. In fact you have the freedom to go some places all by yourself. You also have a large audience of friends who always applaud what you do.”

“And I have treats, too,” I added. “Lots of treats.”

“As for what group you belong in – I would say it’s Group 8. According to a popular animal network Group 8 is the most popular dog group in the world…The Entire World, Chase! And all the evidence shows you are a dog of Group 8 – the miscellaneous group – The group lovingly called Mutt. More importantly you are our dog, Chase, and we love you.”

Mister’s explanation made me very happy. I strutted to my Man Cave that night knowing I am special…I am a Mutt – and I’m proud of it.

This is Chase signing out.

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