Short story by Peggy Zortman

Chase here, Former Shelter Dog reporting.

Today I learned a new human word . . . a word I believe means “fun.”

Missus packed food into a cooler and Mister loaded it and a thermos (a thing that holds water) into our car, the Chick Magnet, then called me to join the party. “We’re going on a picnic!” he explained joyfully.

Picnic is the new word and here’s how it went.

I kept a lookout from my backseat pillow, loving the scenery and being with my family. We eventually pulled into a parking lot. When I got out, I could see trees. There were tables scattered among those trees and other humans were using some of them. 

I hesitated and thought, “Are you sure we should be here, Mister?” Missus took my leash and led me to one of the unoccupied tables where she tied me to a table leg while she and Mister brought the food. 

Soon another human couple claimed the table nearest to us. They, too, were setting out food. Being friendly, my family started a conversation and the four adults talked back and forth as they worked. The neighbors had this little human pup with them. He was fun to watch as he learned to use his wobbly legs.

I was still attached to the table so I couldn’t walk over to say hello, but suddenly the tiny one staggered my way with his hand extended saying something like, “Goggy. Ite? Goggy, Ite?” That chubby little paw held a full size cookie and he was offering me a bite.

I couldn’t refuse. I started forward but was stopped by my tether just as the pup stumbled over something to land hands first in a puddle. He landed smack dab in the middle splashing muddy water everywhere.



I heard both cries at the same time as Missus came from one direction and the neighbor lady came from the other. Bobby was already sitting up giggling and splashing in what was left of the water. The cookie, however, was gone. I figured I was in trouble until I heard the mister from the next table excitedly proclaim, “Did you see that? Did you see it? Your dog just tried to save little Bobby. He raced right out there to help him. That dog is a hero!”

Who was I to argue? I sat right down in the mud with Bobby to absorb all the praise they wanted to heap on. The pup’s Missus even brought me a cookie . . . the real thing . . . a big one, and patted my muddy neck and ears.

My Missus was impressed with me too; but I’m not sure Mister believed any of it.

The humans wiped Bobby and me off a bit then went back to having their picnic. Finally all the humans said goodbye and began taking the leftovers away.

I’ll probably never see Bobby again, but our, “Goggy, Ite?” adventure was a lot of fun.

I would love to do the picnic thing again; but Mister and Missus are having a debate tonight and I heard my name mentioned. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see . . . I sure hope Missus wins. 

This is Chase signing out.