Poems by Octavia Knight; image by Greg Clary

We are Superheroes

We are both superheroes
Disguised as street weirdos
Your powers keep the monsters away
Mine keep your sadness at bay
My weaknesses are guilt and shame
Yours are mislaid blames
I’ll come flying to your call
You’ll catch me if I fall
You wear a face of bravery
I proudly declare my chivalry
I will protect and win the fight
You will seize the dark with light
Tell me I am your superhero
And I’ll let you be my alter-ego
Let’s go together, fighting side-by-side
Let our strengths collide
Show the world our greatness
And shatter each other’s weaknesses

We Can Be Villains

We can be villains together
We can choose to ignore the call
We can just turn our backs
Live life just for the two of us
You and me against the world
Together we can overcome grave consequences
We can be villains
We can cause chaos
Instead of restoring order
Working so hard for everyone else
To what end?
Can’t we just play
We can be villains
Dance together under moonlight
Without a care in the world
I want to give up on my shame and guilt
I want to be exempt from duty, free of the blame
Being everyone’s hero 
Is draining me of life; I’m fading away
We can be anything we want
Live crooked and cheap
Let me out; take me away
In a fast car, guns blazing
No looking back
Just you and me, no regrets
As villains, we do not need to repent
Our fun will never be spent
Running around in the dark
Living a new life on the dark side