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Spring 2020 Letter from the Editors

Sarah Rossey, TWJ Managing Editor, photo by Samantha Marder

Spring is typically a time for renewal and revival, a time when the world enthusiastically awakens after its winter slumber. In places like western Pennsylvania, where winter lasts almost half of the year, we normally end our hibernation with a flurry of social engagements. But this spring is different for all of us. 

The coronavirus pandemic hit the United States during our submissions and production for this Edition. At the time I’m writing this, it’s looking like the hardest part is yet to come. Confusion and doubt rule the day, but as we have been working on this Edition we have realized again the amazing power of story to connect and uplift. 

It has been an honor to work with all the homegrown submissions we received. Inside this newest magazine you’ll find a greater variety of subjects than we’ve seen in the past. Beautiful odes to nature pave the way for stories of hope, as well as heartbreaking words on loss and change. We were challenged and inspired while creating this collection and hope that you, the reader, enjoy the same immersive experience.

Our distributors are closed for the time being so we have decided for the first time to debut this Edition mostly online. We believe the stories, poems and images from our submitters can be both a balm and a spur for readers all over the world during this chaotic time. Sit with us; read with us. Let the power of our words and perspectives bring us together.