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New (Still Free) Submissions Process

Spring Submissions Starts March 6

Submissions for the Spring 2023 Edition goes from March 6-20 and we hope you’ll join in and help us make our 20th issue a special one!

We are looking for short stories, flash fictions, essays, memoir, local journalism, excerpts from longer works, poetry, photography and artwork from storytellers in the western Pennsylvania Wilds.

New Submissions Process

Our submissions have always been, and will always be, at no cost to our submitters. However, we are making one major change this quarter in how our submissions will be received.

Previously, we have asked that submitters email us their pieces. Starting with this Spring 2023 Edition, we will be using a Google Form to accept submissions. You are still able to upload multiple submissions, according to our guidelines, but this new system will help us streamline our tracking and serve you better!

How to Use the Submissions Form

You will need a (free) Google account in order to attach items on our submissions form. It’s easy and quick to set up your own Google account – click here to do so. If you have any issues with signup, check out the troubleshooting page.

On the submissions form, you will fill out your email address, name, type of work and title of work. Next, you will be able to attach the piece (please fill out a separate form for each separate submission). We then ask what Pennsylvania county you live in and, if you are out of area, there is a space to answer how your piece relates to the western PA Wilds. Finally, we ask for comments or suggestions and have you answer to a short publishing agreement.

That’s it! Then our staff will take in your works and send them along to our editor to begin the magazine publishing process. We will let you know via email which pieces have been included in the new issue. The Watershed Journal is an inclusive magazine that strives to elevate and empower local voices through publication in print and online.

A Thank You to Our Submitters

Without you we would never have been able to make the very first issue and here we are looking at issue number 20. We started with a small group of writers longing for publishing opportunities and our audience grew from there. We now have circulation across our region and beyond and are deeply grateful to our submitters and readers for believing in the power of our voices.

Thank you for entrusting us with your excellent writing, photography and artwork. Be sure to encourage others you know whose work needs to get out there!